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Monday, January 3, 2011

Science Center

While at the Pacific Science Center (for the Harry Potter Exhibit), we visited the Mindbender Mansion. It was basically an area where there were tons of logic puzzles. I love logic puzzles. I'm also a little neurotic and can't leave one until I've solved it.

Stace and I decided to try a 2 person puzzle. Each person puts on a pair of "handcuffs" that are linked together. Does that make sense? See the picture below. There are a total of 2 sets of handcuffs, we each have on our own set, but they are looped in the middle.

The object of the game is to get un-hooked from each other.

Hilarity ensued.

First, Stace tried climbing inside the loop.

But we were right back where we started.

We continued to try a ton of other methods - including a number of semi-acrobatic moves that would not have been possible had we not been flexible and or small.

Hmmmm....maybe this will work?

"Do you know how to do it?" (no)

"Let me just think about this. Maybe I can visualize it."

Around the foot, through the loop......

Cat's cradle anyone?

Around the tummy?

At this point we've decided that there must be an easier would a full grown adult and a 6 year old be able to do what we're doing.

We are pretty much dying of laughter at this point because we feel pretty darn stupid.

To our dismay....and 15-20 minutes later....nothing seemed to work. Nick finally asked one of the staff members for a hint. We got the hint but still couldn't get out of the darn handcuffs.

We were literally about to give up when all of a sudden they came apart. We had no idea how it happened.

(But don't worry, we went back later and proved to ourselves that we could do it again).

And the new blog has been launched.....I'll try and keep up with this one as best I can. But I'm going to be attempting a 5-day/week blog about more useful things. Perhaps this blog will fill the other 2 days and will be filled with complete absurdity. Visit the new blog!

1 comment:

cathy said...

My dad INSISTED that we do the game where you sit inside the carts and move yourself around the squares to match the puzzle. Did you see those? Pretty fun.