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Monday, August 6, 2007

The best worst birthday ever

So first let me say that this really was the worst birthday ever - well, 2nd worst. But that's ok because over the course of my life I've had quite a few great birthdays. Why is this the 2nd worst birthday ever? Well, I've never had to work or go to school on my birthday (yeah, poor me). That's right, for the past 23 years I've always had a free day to enjoy my birth. I had to work today...and that really takes about half the fun out of it. But that's ok, I was reminded how great my friends are - and how wonderful Facebook can be :-)

So let me get back to my worst birthday ever. It was a roller skating party at Skate King. Well, we made all the arrangements well in advance and arrived at the rink with about 3 car loads of kids. We waited and waited and waited. We eventually found out that the rink was closed for refinishing - lame. So we pile into the car and head to a local park to play. I slide down a hill and get a major grass stain on my white shorts - double lame. So then we pile into the cars again and head to Shaky's pizza. On the way to the restaurant a bee flies into the car and it freaks me out. So I move to get out of the way - and in doing so - I dig my foot right into my birthday cake.

All in all I realize I'm a pretty lucky girl and that I really shouldn't complain - but hey, it makes a good story.

1 comment:

Katie said...

thank you for making an old lady's request
come true by blogging :)

happy belated birthday bryn!
boo yah!
(just wanted to keep with the alliteration)