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Thursday, June 21, 2007

inspired by themusar

I've been meaning to update for a long time.
Then Katie Musar updated so I thought I would too.

Hmm, I went to Tahoe. Hit the jackpot on the penny slots. $12 was mine! Needless to say I came out ahead. So far I'm 2 for 2 gambling (both times on the penny slots). We went to Tahoe for a Ford thing....well, Nick went to Tahoe for a Ford thing and I tagged along. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the dinner. Only husbands and wives were invited. Where the heck is the love for the opposite sex domestic partner? Then again, I never would have spent 3 hours playing penny slots and video poker had I been invited to the lobster bisque/filet mignon/baked alaska dinner.

So wanna hear a funny story. Nick's stuff finally came last Thursday. He's been living out of a suitcase for about 3 months ...and that's not the funny part. So I'm unpacking a box and I get to an item wrapped in those big recycled paper sheets.
I unwrapped the 1st sheet...
the 2nd sheet...
the 3rd sheet...
the 4th sheet...
Well you better believe Nick's wooden spoon made it safely from Atlanta to Livertucky.
It happened 2 more times, once with a half-used roll of paper towels and again witha ziplock bag filled with about 10 boullion cubes.

Work's good. Building stuff and doing things. I'm way too busy but it's better than being bored.

We got a new game for the wii. I rule at it. I beat nick 90% of the time.

I need some city action soon. The tucky is a little too quiet for my taste.

1 comment:

Katie said...

i am honored to have inspired you!
let's be better bloggers together :)

that nick story is hilarious
maybe i should hire him to move me across campus

can't wait to read the next entry
hint hint!!