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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Good Stuff

So I guess I missed the entire month of June.  No worries, nothing too exciting happened in June.  Nick, Mochi and I went home for the 4th of July.  It was Mochi's first trip on an airplane.  Let's just say it could have been worse (although it could have been a lot better).  We'll keep practicing in anticipation of Christmas. 
It was a fun 4th at the Loper's lakeside abode!  Too many burgers and people to count.  Mochi
 had a blast and made all sorts of new friends.

Once we returned home, I was off to Shreveport LA.  My project for the last year and a half was a flight test unit.  The unit was getting loaded onto a B-52 in preparation for the drop.  Lisa and I got to get into the cockpit and turn the plane on.  Sweetness!

Then, we were headed to Vegas - for 24 hours.  After our stint in Vegas, we were headed into the middle of no where to watch our unit get dropped.

Here we are making a stop at the A-Le-Inn (get it?).

The drop.

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