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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well I better post at least once in May.

Things got a bit busy to say the least.  Stacey came to visit at the beginning of April.  We went to Vegas (but you already knew that).  Then Grandma and Hiroko came to visit.  We had a great time in San Francisco visiting the Asian Art Museum as well as the botanical gardens.  

Then I went to Amarillo for a week.  It wasn't terribly exciting.  I saw some lightning, a bunch of cows, lots of flat land, a dead bird as a hood ornament, and the cadillac ranch.  I took some pictures of the cadillac ranch, mostly to prove to Nick that I had in fact been in Amarillo and not some other super secret place.  Unfortunately, I can't find the cord to transfer the pictures to my computer.....but just imagine cadillacs buried in the ground, "ass" up.  Then imagine they are spray painted - a lot.  It takes about 5 minutes to experience.  But hey, it's art...right?

Then I came back and Mom came to visit.  It was a pretty relaxing weekend and I know she was glad to see (and play with) mochi.  

Now, Nick and I are trying to decide what we will do with our Thanksgiving in Mexico or an all inclusive in Mexico (or somewhere else warm).  Thoughts?

Oh, by the way.  My friend Kelly is going to Disneyland.  I'm super jealous.  I'm thinking I'll hit it up in August or September.....maybe after the summer rush.  Either way, splash mountain and I have a date.  This is what happens when you wait to take your kids to Disneyland....they become obsessed. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

disneyland...i love that place. the last time i was there was with Evergreen Philharmonic! Which reminds me, my sister just wanted me to play the flute in her wedding...which is interested when you haven't picked your instrument up in a few years. :) Do you pick up the oboe anymore?

Anyway, I stumbled upon your blogs-- I love reading people's blogs and seeing what old friends are up to. I started one too, can't guarantee it's very exciting though!

Hope you're well!

Laura Spencer