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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I love artichokes.  They are absolutely delicious!  But apparently, I've been saying the name wrong.  When I pronounce the word it sounds like - R-D-Choke.  I realize it's not exactly proper pronunciation, but it's how I've always said it.  Case in point, when I was about 6 and Stace was around 3.  We played this game called "Grandfather's Shop."  It was kind of like 20 questions for something you would find in a grocery store.  So this is how it went.

B:  Is it something green
S:  Yes
B:  Is it a vegetable
S:  Yes
......So I ask about every single green vegetable I can think of and I'm still not getting it.....
B:  Can I have a hint?  What's the first letter?
S:  R
B:  I can't think of a green vegetable that starts with R, what's the next letter?
S:  D
B:  Stacey, there is no word in the english language that starts with R-D
S:  Yuhuh, R-D-Choke!

We laughed so hard.