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Sunday, April 12, 2009


Our neighbors were going out for their anniversary, so we watched their 2 oldest girls.  Isabel (4.5) and Zoe (2.5).  They are adorable and we learned what it would be like to have 2 kids....tiresome.  We actually had a great time!  We went to the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose where we played with sand, bubbles and water and made fake pizzas and corn husk dolls (well, Auntie Bryn made 2 corn husk dolls.....too much hand eye coordination for 2 and 4 year olds).

The girls spent the night and it was actually pretty easy.  We made sure they didn't get to take a nap at all.  And they fell asleep around 10-11 and didn't get up until around 7AM.  I call that a success.  We painted eggs and played wii and had a pretty good time.  Then loads of other folks came over for a Easter brunch for dinner party.  Good times.

When Angie and Mike got back, they brought Mochi a treat - he was probably the most traumatized over the whole event - banished to the kitchen etc.  They got him some awesome treats from the three dog bakery in Sonoma.  The treats look good enough for a human.

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