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Thursday, February 21, 2008

The cutest hiking dog EVER

Nick and I climbed a portion of Mt. Diablo last weekend! I know what you're thinking....Bryn doesn't like that sort of thing...she prefers running water and shopping. Well the California weather has gotten the best of me and I was ready for a hike.

Let me first preface this story with a story of my first hike EVER. Some grad school guys wanted to go for a hike. Since I was familiar with the area I offered up some suggestions - Tiger Mountain being one of them. So they of course invited me along....and not wanting to seen lame and out of shape, I happily accompanied them on this "hike." We arrived at Tiger Mountain but couldn't find the "easy" trailhead (that's hiking lingo for "the start of the trail"). So the boys decided we would just walk straight up the mountain. It was awesome, and by awesome, I mean sucky. It was like doing stairs for 2 hours and not resting - my calves, thighs and butt were BURNING. Anyways, by the time it was all over I hated hiking.

So back to mt. diablo. We this hike was much better. The scenery was awesome and the weather was perfect. Instead of hiking straight up, we sort of criss crossed. Anyways, we took Mochi so he could get some fresh air. He made it all the way!

Here are a few pics of the hike.

Nick and Mochi at the summit. It's an awesome view....but it's kind of discouraging. You can drive all the way to the top :-( Oh well.

Mochi was an excellent walker.....

But he took every opportunity to rest.

One of the more interesting sights on our hike....a unicycler. He was cycling UP the mountain. And what's even crazier is that we saw 4 of them - all at separate times. Not sure if there was a unicycling convention going on or what....but definitely a sight!


Katie said...

mochi could be the cutest creature
mt. diablo has ever seen!!!

steveandjody said...

Nick looks a lot happier than on his first trip to Mt. Diablo. He was about 18 months old pretty much cried the whole way there....and back.