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Sunday, March 9, 2008

What have I been doing lately?

Well that's an excellent question.

Let's see, since our last blog update.....we've successfully painted 1 wall in the bathroom and 1/3 of a wall in the kitchen.

So it looks a lot greener than it really is. I mean, it's green...but a little more muted than the picture makes it out to be. Nick picked it.

I've also honed my cake decorating skills. Caresse and I made Tyler (Caresse's boyfriend) a cake for his birthday. It was our first attempt using fondant. While it is no Ace of Cakes, I think I see a future for us in cake decorating :-) I can see it now....Bryn, Cake Decorator, Hair Dresser Extraordinaire.

And what blog experience would be complete without an update in the life of Mochi McMocherson.

Here he is eating a treat.

"Muhaha....I will get you!"

"Gnnaaa, got you sucka!"


"Hey, what are you lookin at?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, your cake is insane. You are so Japanese. And for that, I hate you. :-) Also, your dog is so freaking cute and a giant, how exciting.