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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Work has been pretty busy so I don't have too much to report.

Mochi's hair has grown out nicely.

He has also learned how to fetch.

Nick was gone for a few days and mochi missed him.

Nick loves mochi.

And one more picture of mochi after he stole the toilet paper roll.

I had an interesting thought the other day. Nick and I went to see Juno. The whole time I'm thinking "man this girl looks familiar." She was in X-men! So then I got to thinking, X-men has a lot of oscar ties. Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin and now Ellen Page. I love x-men and nick has never even seen one of them!

I'm addicted to the crate and barrel outlet in berkeley. If you come and visit me I'll take you there.

Amy Winehouse just won a grammy for "rehab"....ironic.

I'm trying to decorate the condo but it's really not that easy. These walls are really big and I have too many different colors of wood.

It was sunny and 70 today. I love california.

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