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Monday, March 24, 2008

the elusive Ichiro autograph...

So Nick and I spent the weekend in Phoenix AZ for baseball spring training. Let me break it down for you, baseball, then some baseball and then a little more baseball. There was some shopping, but it was for baseball t-shirts.

Day 1:
We arrived in Phoenix (HOT!!) and drove to Peoria. Our game was at 1:05 and we were within sight of the ballpark by 12:00. Then it took us 40 minutes to move less than 1 mile. Our seats were on the lawn and it was HOTTTTT! Then we went back to the hotel and jumped in the pool.

Day 2:
So this was our only full day in Arizona, so we were going to do the full baseball thing....batting practice, autographs and the game. So we went to batting practice, where we met up with Kristen and her fam. We saw Ichiro take a few hacks.....he never really looked at me, but here is the best picture I got. I like to pretend like he's staring into my eyes.

Then we had a huge surprise. Buhner was in town coaching! And he even signed some autographs and took pictures with us!

Here's me getting Buhner's autograph.

Here I am acting like I'm 12.

Here's Kristen with Buhner.

I was actually pretty impressed with Buhner. He stayed and signed autographs for EVERYONE!
Once again the M's lost. Here's the back side of Ichiro.

Day 3:
We were going to go to a mall today. But it was Easter, so the mall was closed. Thumbs down! Today's game was in Tempe. We played the Angels. It sucked. We lost again. But the weather was a smidge cooler.

The best part about this picture is the woman over my left shoulder. She probably never dreamed she'd ever be on an internet blog. All in all it was a fun trip. We are hoping that the M's got all the losing out of their system. I got a lovely tan and Nick didn't get burned, so it was a successful trip for all. Mochi stayed with Brian and spent the weekend watching the NCAA basketball tournament. I think they drank beer on Saturday. It's cool, he's almost 21 in dog years.

1 comment:

Katie said...

loved the travel commentary
and excellent to see kristen!!

and i'm glad the mochi is a responsible drinker!