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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Vegas 2008

So it's been a little busy.

Mochi got his "boys" removed.

He looks a little scary in this photo.

I went to the 'querque a few weeks ago. Then Stacey came to visit. Then Nick and I went to Vegas.

Ford was having a new car show the BELLAGIO! I was thrilled!

This is the hallway to our awesome room. We guess that it was 3 blocks. Literally. I'm not joking. We were at the end of the hallway.

The rooms were also very awesome.

While Nick was doing work.....I sat by the pool.

After the Bellagio we downgraded to the Luxor. Well, anything would be a downgrade after the Bellagio.

We saw Yellowcard, which was cool. But then we realized that we actually didn't know very many Yellowcard songs.

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