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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Adding insult to injury

We just got back from Cabo - BTW, Cabo is awesome and I recommend it to everyone. Stay at the Hilton Los Cabos, totally worth it. I was checking my email and noticed a funny one from Apple:

Your one-year iPod nano warranty is about to expire.

Now, what really sucks, is that I lost my iPod in September - right before my half marathon. What is even silly-er is that I bought it in August, right around my birthday. So there is NO WAY that the one-year warranty is about to expire. While I'm on my anti-apple kick. On Friday, before we left for Cabo, I wanted to downloaded the most recent episode of Glee. I missed it while on travel, and the show makes me happy, so I wanted to buy it. REPEAT - I wanted to give apple money. They made it really tough for me to do that. FIrst, I had to download the most recent version of iTunes. They have new versions about every other that's irritating. Finally downloaded all 85MB of the new version - because heaven forbid they just update what needs to be changed - and then it tells me I need the newest version of Safari to access iTunes. So 2 reboots and 2 new programs later, I finally download Glee. Was it worth it? Yes. Glee was awesome. Am I annoyed with Apple? Most definitely.

1 comment:

Judy said...


I wish I could sing like Rachel! lol she's my faaaaave!