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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some people take pictures of food...

I, on the other hand, take pictures of Nick, eating food. I was looking through the past years photos to find something to use for our Christmas card. I started noticing a trend. So I thought I'd blog about it.

To his credit, he's incredibly thin and never puts on weight, so he needs to eat. He also dislikes me taking pictures of I'm sure he's gonna LOVE this weeks blog post.

Let's start back in November 2008. We went to Amsterdam and Brussels. I lost weight the first time I went to Europe....I gained weight during this trip.

Olliebollens - powdered sugar coated balls of fried dough. Sold on the street. Nick bought one, bit it and then had powdered sugar all over his face and jacket.

Then there was hot chocolate at the train station, a belgian waffle in Belgium (when in Rome) and some beer. We ate our way through Europe.

We went to Cabo to celebrate the big 1-0. On one of our last nights, we got churros for dessert. Churros with chocolate and caramel dipping sauce. Please don't let your mind go into the gutter.

....too late, bet you went there.

On to blueberries. Nick eats these with 2 hands, alternating to ensure an optimum blueberry to mouth rate. He doesn't even inspect for buggies. Notice one hand in the bucket, the other at his mouth.

On to cupcakes. I'm actually surprised I only have 2 pictures of Nick eating cupcakes....but they are both action shots. Red velvet in Boston....

And Red Velvet at Erik and Katie's wedding.

And finally, Dick's! Seattle tradition - kind of like In-and-Out to Californians. We pretty much try to stop at Dick's whenever we can. He gets 2 cheeseburgers, some fries and a strawberry shake. Always a strawberry shake.


And because I'd hate for you to get the impression that Nick doesn't exercise, here he is, kicking some serious butt at the San Francisco Half Marathon.

1 comment:

Judy said...

how can that boy can eat like that and still be soooo skinny?! JEALOUS. life's not fair at all. lol