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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tahoe 2009

Nick and I went to Tahoe this weekend for a ski weekend with the Lopers. We started off Saturday by ourselves at Sierra at Tahoe. The weather was AWESOME! And it was a good day for me to get warmed up and ready for the Loper boys - they ski on the hard ones.

We met up with everyone at the south lake Tahoe place and proceeded to have dinner at Mo's Bar or something like that. Now don't let the name fool you, Mo's served up your typical bar food along with some Asian inspired dishes - Tandori chicken, curry and some ginger stir fry. Weird. But good (from what I hear). I had a cheeseburger.

Day 2 (day 1 for Chris and Steve) was spent at Kirkwood. Another beautiful California day! And it was also a day for testing our skiing limits - or at least I tested my skiing limits. Word to the wise - if you ski with Chris, be prepared to go ANYWHERE! But I conquered some pretty huge stuff (including THE WALL) and didn't break a bone!

That evening was spent watching superbowl commercials, eating Thai, watching The Office, and Uno with Larry's rules. Ask me sometime about Larry's rules, they are fantastic. Speaking of Larry, we skied Larry's Lip. It was a little treacherous.

Day 3 was spent at Heavenly. After a gondola ride and some "skating" we were off. Oh, BTW, skating at 10,000 ft will wind you for sure. It was a relatively "Tame" mountain compared to Kirkwood, but I needed an easy day. The views were great and we had a fun time watching Chris do some tricks. Watch the video for a recap.

My first video. It might give you a little motion sickness....skiing while videoing is tough.

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