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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Creamy substances at the airport

So I went through airport security with a small container of spinach artichoke dip.  I wanted a snack on the plane and it sounded delicious.  It didn't seem like a liquid, more like a solid, but I put the container in my liquids bag to be safe.  Well, I got screened.  Here is how the conversations went:

TSA: M'am does this contain cream cheese.
Me: No.
TSA: What's in it?
Me: dip
TSA: So it's creamy?
Me: A little?
TSA: Well you can't take it on the plane if it's creamy.
Me: Well there is some spinach and artichoke in it as well.
TSA:  Hmm, well I can take a look, but if it's creamy, you can't take it on.
Me: That's fine. Take a look.
TSA: Oh, well that's fine, there is enough other stuff in there.  You can take it.

So that was by far the weirdest conversation I've ever had going through security.  But the questions remain....aren't toothpaste and lotion considered "creamy" and aren't they allowed on the plane?  What's the deal?  

1 comment:

Tyler and Caresse said...

This sounds like an SNL skit, I mean really?