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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Red velvet cupcakes and other Valentine's day adventures

Happy Valentines Day!

Nick and I went to yoga this morning.  It was his idea, I didn't make him go.

Then we went to the farmer's market and got kettle corn.  Everyone else got healthy fruits and vegetables, we got sugar coated butter corn.

I decided to make red velvet cupcakes.  There seems to be a lot of hype surrounding these cupcakes and I wanted to see what made them so special.  Here's the thing, they aren't that special.  They are pretty much like a normal cupcake,  but with a tbs of cocoa powder and a TON of red food coloring.  I think people are fooled by the red color.  I really do.  They are good, don't get me wrong.  But I don't think people would like them nearly as much if they weren't red.  I'm just saying.

Nick also made me a wonderful dinner.  Chicken tetrazzini and caprese salad.  It was delicious.  He also got me some flowers.  Good kid.

I was Martha Stewart this weekend.  I made sugar cookies colored like candy hearts.  Then I stamped them with the word LUV.  So cute.  

1 comment:

Nick said...

Initially I thought that Kitchen Aid mixer was way too expensive. I was wrong. It has paid for itself many times over in the form of delicious baked goods.