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Sunday, February 15, 2009

TI-83, how I've missed you

The TI-83 and I go WAY back.  It all started back in Integrated 2, first year of high school.  It served me well until the day I lost it.  On the bus.  The day of my Integrated 3 math midterm.  It was a terrible feeling, my trusty calculator gone.  I was going to have to do the quadratic formula on my own.  I had to borrow a dreaded TI-82 from the teacher.  Embarrassing.  I never did find that TI-83 and had to buy another.  Needless to say, I put my Anne Geddes address labels all over that thing.

It took me through the rest of high school, college and graduate school.  I swear I only replaced the batteries a handful of times.  When folks upgraded to the TI-83 Plus, I said "No Thank You."  To the TI-89, "I don't need your indefinite integral solver!"  TI now makes the TI-Nspire....interestingly enough, the prices are still about the same.  I know, because I had to have work buy me one (~$100).

I bring up the TI-83, because I just pulled it out today.  Had to replace the batteries, but that was expected.  Actually, I had borrowed 2 of its batteries for an iPod the TI wasn't running on all cylinders if you get my drift.  I put in 2 new batteries and the TI-83 helped me do my taxes.  I did them by hand, not Turbo Tax help.  Well, I compared my answer with turbo tax and they were the same.  Go me.  I no longer need the awesome computing powers of the TI-83 while at home, but I'm so glad it's here to help me do my taxes.  I love math, and my TI-83.  

This weekend I successfully used both sides of my brain.  As evidenced by this post and the previous post.  Over and out.

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