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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8

So the CA Supreme Court voted to uphold Prop 8.  This means that gay and lesbians can't get married.  This shouldn't even be an issue.  

Here's my new proposition.  Remove the word "marriage" all together.  When you go to the court house, you get a license for a civil union - not a marriage license.  Then, choose to call it whatever you want.  Legally, we're all the same.  

Bah.  This frustrates me more than it should.  And honestly, I can't find a good argument in support of Prop 8.

1 comment:

Katie said...

you are such a good blogger!!
i'm in the midst of packing chaos
so your musings are a welcome diversion!

now back to packing
why do i own so many sweaters??