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Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend and other stuff

Nick was in Vegas for Jing's bachelor party this weekend. So it was just me and the moch!

Mochi missed Nick, but he'll settle for me in a pinch.

On Friday I watched the finale of Grey's Anatomy. I had kind of stopped watching that show - mostly because I'm too busy for TV these days. It was crazy. And I cried. Oh how I cried.

On Saturday I sat by the pool with Lisa and Kellie and Mochi. Then this guy and daughter came in so I said, "Oh, shall I take my dog inside?" and the guy says, "That depends on how obnoxious he's going to be." what do you say to that? I made some little joke and just let Mochi stay. Turns out the daughter was all into dogs and wanted to pet Moch. She just has a grumpy dad. They say that dogs are god judges of character and Mochi wouldn't go near that man.

Then I rented Made of Honor - with Patrick Dempsey and that other doctor from Grey's - the one who's in the army. SPOILER ALERT. Made of Honor is JUST like Sweet Home Alabama, except this time, Patrick Dempsey gets the girl. Who'd have thought.....sarcasm. But I got to see it, and I wouldn't want to make Nick sit through that.

Sunday was spent doing hair and makeup in preparation for Kellie's wedding. Good times. We also watch Bride Wars - much better than I thought it would be. But still a chick flick.

Then I thought I'd make a list of things that stress me out and things that make me happy:

:-( Trader Joe's parking lots
:-) Picking a good line (eg. I picked the fasted line for gas at Costco and the fastest checkout line at TJs - I was ON today)
:-( Picking a bad line
:-) The red box movies at Safeway - $1 - incredible
:-( People that walk slowly
:-) Efficiency
:-) A good iTunes mix
:-) Disney
:-) The first time Tony came back on 24
:-( Tony on this season of 24
:-) The Office
:-) Automatic A status on Southwest
:-) Anyone who still reads this - Katie Musar, Kelly Ronan, Sean Whiting?, Anthony Ching, my dad, Stace?, Nick, Jody, Laura (the world's strongest woman)?.......
:-) Mochi and Nick

This list was going to be funnier.....but that just didn't work out.


Kelly Jean said...

You're in my google reader so I read this anytime you post something new! hurray for efficiency and Disney! there will be no slow walking in 18 days I assure you.

Anna Williams said...

I have to say, you'd love my TJs. One, it's close enough so I walk (no parking), and two - there is only ONE line! All cash registers are fed by the same line, so it can get super long but moves REALLY fast (satisfying!), and it's the best most true instantiation of first-come, first-serve. I wish all grocery stores did this. Brilliant.

Katie said...

i'm still here!!
i'm not smart enough to know about google readers, so i actually check the blog myself!!!

i'm moving to VA in 2 weeks
and there are no trader joes
i will miss my awesome mint shampoo

Unknown said...

I am also still here. Did you do your Relay yet? And, you sure watched a bunch of chick flicks with Nick gone. Also, I am debating coming out there for my cousin's graduation, June 20th. I will let you know if I end up doing it.

And PS for Katie: There is definitely a Trader Joe's in Old Town Alexandria. I've locked my keys in the car in their parking lot.

Laura said...

haha, i don't know about world's strongest woman. but thanks :)

i LOVE redbox $1 movies. Especially for the people that want to just watch the movie once and return it right away!