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Sunday, May 31, 2009


I love Pixar.  Honestly, if I listed off some of my favorite movies of all times, it would look a like a 10 year old wrote it.  I love Toy Story (1 and 2), The Incredibles, Wall-E and now Up.  It seemed like it would be a flop - I mean, a guy makes his house fly away by tying a bunch of helium balloons to it?  But it was AWESOME (said like Dash from The Incredibles)!  Any movie that can make me cry within the first 10 minutes and has talking dogs....I mean, how could it not be a winner!?  It was very heart warming.  The best scene was the geriatric fight scene.  Hilarious.

There was a little type casting - I mean, a doberman as the mean dog....duh?  But it was great.  Go see it.  It will make you all warm inside.  

Here's my list of favorite movies, no particular order:

Beauty and the Beast
Legally Blonde
X-men (all 3)
Toy Story (1 and 2)
Monsters Inc.
Rookie (I cry at the end of that one, I'm just so happy for the guy)

I could also watch the end of A Beautiful Mind a million times.  So not all my movie choices are for kids...but most are.


Katie said...

i was just writing a comment on another blog about how much
i loved this movie!
i want a talking dog
well, a nice talking dog!

just spoke to kelly
very excited/jealous about your disney trip
please blog afterwards!

Anna Williams said...

Pixar kicks booty! I owned all of those movies before we ever had a kid ;-)

Looking forward to Up - have you seen the blimps promoting it? They're flying around O-town quite a bit and Julian loves them.

And yes, Legally Blonde is an all-time favorite classic as well. Favorite quote off the top of my head:
That should leave him scratching his head, which will give his balls a break.

Kelly Jean said...

Saw this last night. Cried. Laughed. Cried more. Laughed more. It was great. SQUIRREL!