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Sunday, July 19, 2009

If you can run 6 miles, you can do a half marathon

So my friend convinced me to sign up for the Nike Women's half marathon.  It was actually a lottery system where you submit your information and they randomly select the participants.  I decided I'd enter the lottery.  I actually thought I wasn't going to get in.  But of course, I did.  Nuts.  Now I'm going to run 13.1 miles in October.

The Nike Run Club meets every Sunday near our house, so I decided it would be good motivation.  It's awesome!  Last week I ran 4 miles and today I ran 6!  I've never run more than 3 ever in my life.  So this was awesome!  They have pace leaders that help you keep your pace and they have aid stations that hook you up with gatorade and luna gummy bears (delicious and sugary).  

I'm still surprised that I was able to run 6 miles - in the California heat.  But it really wasn't that bad.  And at the end of the race, the woman running with me said "now that you can run 6, you'll be set for the half."  I think it's going to be a little bit longer before I'm ready for the half, but I think it's going to be doable.

Now I just need to get a little faster.

1 comment:

steveandjody said...

I'm not sure I buy this. It's less than half the distance! Steve did training runs up to about 10 miles I think....