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Sunday, September 27, 2009

How I almost met Britney Spears

Spent the weekend in Vegas for Kellie's bachelorette party.  Good times had by all.

Britney Spears was playing Saturday and Sunday at our hotel, Mandalay Bay.  We heard that she was holding her after party at the Mix, a club at the hotel.  A couple of the girls are big Britney fans and wanted to try and catch a glimpse of the pop princess.

We arrived at the club last night and asked around.  We found out she was having her party in an area of the club with limited public access.  Of well.  But that wasn't going to stop Denise - Britney's #1 fan.  She asked around a little more and found out where exactly the party was taking place.  5 of us walked right through the front door and started hanging out at the party.

We stuck out like sore thumbs.

Denise asked around and a mean lady said to her, "How did you get in here?  Where are your bracelets?"  Oops, we'd been caught.

We ended up leaving the party, no Britney sightings.  However, Denise did a little more snooping and found out it was a party for her crew and that Britney Spears was not planning on making an appearance.  It was a fun story, and as close as I'll get to meeting Britney.

On the way out of the club we saw the Bambino from Sandlot.  So that kind of made up for it.  He hasn't aged a day, poor guy.

1 comment:

Judy said...

LOLOL! still made for an awesome story though! =)