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Monday, September 21, 2009

No, I'm not Welsh

I'm currently in Vegas taking a class for work.

When I called to sign up for the class, I talked to the registrar, Angela.

Angela is a lovely lady with an English accent.  I met her this morning and she is adorable.  She's a grandma and is about as cute as she can be.

Here was our conversation.

Angela:  Now Bryn, are you Welsh?
Me: Um, no, no Welsh in me. (that's a first)
Angela:  Well, Bryn is a Welsh name and when I heard it, I thought that perhaps you were Welsh.  
Me: (laughing a little) No, I'm not Welsh at all.
Angela: Well I thought that maybe Miyahara was your married name, but I just thought I'd check and see if you had a little Welsh in you.
Me:  Yeah, no Welsh here.
Angela:  Well, I'd say you have a little.

It was really cute.

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