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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Food in Europe

Did I mention that we ate our way through Europe?

Amsterdam is known for a few things: drugs, prostitution and BEER!  So after the Van Gogh museum, it was time for the Heineken museum.  You typically get 2 glasses of beer on the tour, but Nick got 4.  Ever try and find a public restroom in Amsterdam?  Not easy.  But 0.30 Euros in a McDonalds will do the trick.

We ate Pomme Frites - fries served in paper cones....they prefer mayonnaise.  I prefer American of me.  

We ate Oliebolloens.  Fried dough sprinkled with powdered sugar.  The powdered sugar got everywhere, including Nick's face and my black jacket.

We saw a restaurant that served the best soup (probably) in Brussels, but didn't want to chance it.

We ate (probably) the biggest bowl of spaghetti I've ever seen in a pub.

And we had waffles with ice cream and chocolate for dinner.  I know my mom would be proud.  Screw vegetables!

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