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Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm a little OCD and it comes out from time to time.  

When I was little, I washed my hands repeatedly and I would only use "non-toxic" pens and crayons.  Kinda weird, but I grew out of it.

I don't like getting my hands sticky, and as a result, I can't stand scooping ice cream from a container that is less than half full.  Might get the knuckles sticky.....sick.

And the newest one.  I was sitting in a class where we were suppose to write on post its and put them on the wall.  By the way, these post-its were 4x6 and lined.  The girl in my group (who was very nice) chose to write HUGE and not straight.  As a result, she had crooked words on lined post-its and used at least 4-7 lines per word.  What a waste!  And it drove me nuts.  Please, use a fine tipped pen (sharpie will do) and please at least write straight and try and fit a few more than 3 words per post-it.  She also hung the post-its crooked.  She shouldn't be allowed to have them.  She doesn't understand.


Unknown said...

Must have been a consultant using 4x6 Post Its.....

Kelly Jean said...

Please do not judge people who can not write in straight lines and with consistently sized letters. Some of us are just not that talented.

As far as the sticky business...I don't recommend asking Bryn to partake in cotton candy making at programs. It isn't her thing.