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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Playing hooky

The boss (work boss), organized a group trip to Dodge Ridge on Monday.  It was for his church, but he invited work people.  I took full advantage.

And it was AWESOME!

First of all, we were like the 10th car there.  And then we parked and literally walked 50 feet to the lift ticket place and then another 50 feet to the lift.  None of this hiking up the hill, getting warm, peeling of layers business...I'm talking to you - the switchback hill at Summit Central.

It was incredible.  And did I mention no one was there?  Yeah, it was empty.  We were in heaven.

We topped it off with a bread bowl at lunch, followed by some light snow.

The boss picks good days to go skiing.  Probably why he's the boss.

Moch held down the fort.  Thanks Moch.

We're headed to Tahoe this weekend.  Check back next week....I think my quads will have grown a few inches by then.

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