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Monday, March 23, 2009

Harry Potter vs. Twilight

I've read both books and have enjoyed them both - couldn't put either of them down.  But let's be honest.  There is no comparison.  Harry Potter kicks Twilight out of the water.

JK Rowling is a much better writer than Stephanie Meyer.  Just pick a page from either book and read it.  There's a lot of fluff in Twilight. 


JK Rowling laid out the entire plan for HP on a train.  She knew the story before she started writing.  I think the sequels to Twilight were kind of an after thought.

Harry Potter movies > Twilight (the sequels may improve, and HP does lose some points for postponing the 6th movie for so long.....but Daniel Radcliffe is a much better actor than Robert Pattison).

I could go on, but there's really no point.  I love both series' of books, but HP will always have a special place in my heart.  Let's be honest, I'm still waiting for my admissions letter to Hogwarts.

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