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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jay Walking

There's a church by our house.  It's not quite a mega church, but it's much larger than your typical mom and pops church.  There are so many people that attend, that they park in other areas of the business park.  I'm ok with this.  Except for one thing.  When church is over, they jay walk.  There is a sign (set out by the church) that specifically states "Cross at the crosswalk."  There are multiple signs.  I've seen them.

And to be honest, I'm ok with jay walking.  I once got in trouble for it while walking back to my dorm in college.  It is actually a relatively decent time saving measure - when done appropriately.  But I'm not ok with slow jay walkers.  If you are going to jay walk, hustle your buns.  Don't cause cars to slow down.  If you can't hustle, don't jay walk.  

FYI - when I got in trouble for jay walking in college, I crossed a crosswalk inappropriately (i.e. the little crosswalk man was red....not green).   There were no cars coming, so no big deal.  I'm halfway down the block when a cop asks me if I know the fine for jaywalking.  Nope.  Turns out he saw me 3 blocks back.  Seriously, 3 blocks?  Honestly, go bust some kids for underage drinking.  


steveandjody said...

oooh, how un-Seattle of you, crossing on the red. But that's our Bryn, always pushing the limits!

Unknown said...

I feel like I've heard this rant before. :)