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Saturday, March 7, 2009

San Antonio

I've been in San Antonio for the past week taking a class.

We did the obligatory tourist stuff: Alamo, River Walk and Market Square.

So the walls are really short.  I'm actually surprised they held up for as long as they did.  Also, the guard at the Alamo is very strict.  Ask me about it sometime if you are interested.

River Walk
It's kind of feels like being on Pirates of the Caribbean.  The river is all of 4' deep, they color it green for St. Patrick's day and you could easily fall in if you lost your balance.  It's very touristy, but you know what they say...when in Rome.

Market Square
It's like most markets, but with a southern flare.  They have turquise, cowboy hats, sombreros.

I wish this was a better post.  But let's me honest.  I prefer California.

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