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Sunday, March 15, 2009


We went skiing with Kellie on Saturday.  We woke up before the sun and drove to north lake Tahoe for some awesome spring skiing!  The sun was out and the snow was actually very nice. Much softer than I anticipated.  

Here we are at the top of one of the lifts.  Nick took this picture and it didn't cost us a penny.  Now, there was this guy named Kevin taking posed pictures of people in front of the lake.  I told him up front that I didn't want to buy his photos, but he guaranteed I'd love them.  Let's be honest, he was setting himself up for failure.  So we agreed to let him pose us.  I was a complete brat the entire time.  He made Nick take off his skis and made all of us remove our goggles - it was really sunny and we were all squinty for the photo.  If you are at all interested in his masterful photography, go to the website and scroll to the bottom.  It was actually quite hilarious and you sort of feel for the guy....but let's be honest, no one is going to buy one of your $20 photos (Well, clearly people do, otherwise they wouldn't be in business).

Here is Nick posing on the top of the mountain.  We aren't ever going back to Seattle :-)

While skiing, we spotted the Ford raceway.  It's actually a race course open to the public.  For $1 you can race down and get your time.  We opted to take a picture and continue on our merry way.

While driving home we saw something quite interesting.  A guy riding his motorcycle spread eagle.  The picture is bad because I took it in the car and tried to super zoom.  But you get the picture.  It looks really awkward and probably the exact opposite of badass.

We picked up Moch and Pico at doggy daycare and I snapped this random shot of him linking his eyeball.  I sure hope he doesn't grow into that tongue.

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