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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Disney World

The epic adventures of Bryn and the Ronan sisters commenced last week.  After a few long plane rides, Kelly and I were off to meet Katie at Disney's All Star Movies.  We arrived late but were super pumped!

We got very little sleep over the next few days, trying to soak up as much Disney goodness as possible.  Yes yes, many of you think that Disney is evil and a gigantic money machine etc.  I understand, but I still love's better than being addicted to drug or alcohol :-)

I actually survived the weekend on diet coke - yes, I drank pop.....err.....soda.  It tasted so delicious everytime it touched my lips.  It was kind of sad.  But I gave it up cold turkey as soon as I got home.  It was a great weekend and I had sooooo much fun!  More posts to follow.

1 comment:

Laura said...

i LOVE disneyworld/land. I haven't been there since the orchestra days. Lucky you, looks like you had fun!