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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

There should really be 2 lines at the airport....
One line for those that know what they are doing and one for everyone else. Everyone else would include the following:
1. People that don't know about the plastic bag rule.
2. People that move slowly.
3. People that bring laptops and don't understand the concept of taking the laptop out of its case.
4. People who walk through the metal detector with metal on.
5. Children.
6. People with children.
7. People who block the aisle while boarding because they can't get their carry-on in the overhead bin.

Here is how you graduate to the fast lane:
1. Bring 1 quart size plastic bag with ALL your 3 oz. liquids in it. Have it ready, pack it at the top of your carry-on or get in the slow lane.
2. Move at a brisk pace.
3. Have your laptop out of the case before you get to the bins or at least have the case unzipped to facilitate the process.
4. Don't leave change in your pocket, put your cell phone in the tray and don't wear a belt. If you must wear a belt, take it off while you are standing in line and shove it into your carry-on. (Side note: when I was little I wanted to set the alarm off. I would load my pockets with quarters to try and make it go off...never really worked. I think my pockets were too small.)
5. Loosen your shoelaces and unzip your jacket. They are both coming off whether you like it or not.
6. Walk down the aisle with your carry-on in front of you. Have it ready to throw into an overhead bin. Carry-on luggage is for people who like speed and efficiency, we don't want to wait for checked bags. If you can't get your carry-on into the bin in a reasonably fast manner, you aren't driven by speed and efficiency and would probably enjoy waiting for your luggage at baggage claim.

I'm really not that cynical, I just think that air travel could be more efficient.

I Still Hate Stanford
When I got off the plane in Seattle I saw a hord of tall skinny guys dressed in red sweater vests. Standford had just arrived. They only thing that crossed my mind was, "man I hope we kill them." (I meant that as "man I hope we beat them really bad," in case you were worried).

On the way home I sat right in the middle of the entire San Francisco State University track team. They were a little roudy but it wasn't too bad. The best part was the phrase they talked about for about 30 minutes. This is the phrase that they will be telling all of their friends: "While you were asleep, I was haulin' ass." Now, I understand where they are going with this...but they really didn't need to talk about for 30 minutes. They were really proud of it. Did I sound like this when I was a freshman in college? I sure hope that wasn't the wittiest thing I could come up with.

Superbowl Commercials
So I think it's silly that people are upset over some of the superbowl commercials. People need to lighten up. That's all I'm gonna say.

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