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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the 'querque

Life in the 'querque has been quite interesting.

There are lots of liquor stores and "adult" stores. I'm not judging, simply commenting.

There was a bit of a windstorm today. I almost got blown away.

Class has been fun. One of the highlights was listening to a man named Leon Smith. He was one of the original engineers that worked on the Manhattan project. By a coin's toss, he lost the job of weaponeer on the Enola Gay (the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima). He ended up being the weaponeer on the bikini island tests. Pretty crazy. He's pretty much a genius, degrees from Yale, Harvard and MIT. Nicest, most unassuming guy.

Also in the class is the man that disarmed the bomb found in Ted Kaczynski's cabin in Montana.

The guy that teaches a class has a friend that knew Einstein.

I'm watching American Idol right is this Antonella Barba girl still on the show...last week they told her not to sing a big song, so she does Celine Dion..... (Melinda Doolittle all the way!)

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Take the test here

Finally, I'm thinking about getting a roommate. He/she must meet the following requirements:

  • Be nice
  • Enjoy baseball
  • Eat peanut butter toast
  • Been known to jump out of perfectly good airplanes
  • Still wear jeans from high school (but has bought some since)
  • Have a bit of a shoe fetish
  • Enjoy the Amazing Race
  • if I think of more I will update the list...


Nick said...

Hey if they still fit...

steveandjody said...

I think I know the perfect guy...and I hear he's heading your way really soon, so let me know if you need a phone number or anything. And we bought those jeans to last!

Katie said...

i hope you have some delicious tortillas
in new mexico!

i just watched the amazing race
(on my VCR--i really need a tivo)
mirna/schmirna are DREADFUL!
honestly, i find all the teams sort of annoying
i think i shall root for oswald and his boyfriend

let me know if you need a roommate contract
i have several on file

Unknown said...

Bryn, you must have forgotten that I don't enjoy basketball one bit. You're right on with the shoe fitish though. I plan to indulge that when I have a positive income.

Your commentary on "Burque" (with the Spanish rr's) has been interesting/informative. Also, you are wrong for not liking green chili.

We should call each other this weekend...

Unknown said...

I am smarter than a 5th grader! I think it might have been all that brain excercise at your house. As for The Amazing Race, I have not yet been able to watch thanks to school, which I am so over (if I haven't already told you). Alright, back to writing a paper which will probably suck.

Unknown said...

I think it's time for an update...