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Sunday, February 4, 2007

the weekend in review

X-men is on right now. I really enjoy that movie :-)

Spent yesterday with Katie, Paul's cousin. We went shopping in Walnut Creek. Hit up Nordstrom and H&M and some other fun spots. I've decided that the customer service at Nordstrom is better in Seattle than in California. Nordstrom is 0 for 2 right now. I have yet to visit the San Francisco Nordstrom but will report back with my findings.

We came back to P-Town and spend the evening with Katie and Paul's grandparents, nana and papa. They are a feisty pair.

Spent today with work people for a Superbowl party. It was a pretty anti-climactic. I decided to cheer for the Bears after their intial return....they let me down. I am a fair weather fan and have no shame admitting it. I really just like to win. I'm excited for baseball this year. I have 3 chances to go to the World Series: Mariners, A's and Giants.

It is suppose to hit 71 tomorrow. I know you're jealous. Too bad I can't wear shorts to work.

I've decided that one of my biggest pet peeves is slow people in cross walks. I know they have the right of way, I just appreciate the hustle. I hustle. It's just a courteous thing. I don't get upset if they are older and lack the ability to hustle (I'm not that mean). Today for instance, 2 guys in their 20s are just taking their sweet time to cross the street. I want to make make a left turn but they are walking so darn slow that when I finally have an opening they are in the way. Clearly I have some slight road rage issues, but if people would just hustle their buns I'd be happy. My other pet peeve is people that don't wave. I appreciate the wave. And now I will step off my soap box.

Speaking of's crazy down here. People speed like it's nobodies business. And it's incredible the amount of space people find sufficient for changing lanes. Good thing I learned how to drive from Bob at Sears.

I like valentines day because it is a good excuse to buy dove dark chocolate.


steveandjody said...

Aha, I went the other way and chose to root for the guys in white because they were behind after just 14 seconds. Seemed to need more help. And with Steve cheering for the Bears, someone was happy no matter what happened.

Unknown said...

One week! I am sooooo excited!