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Friday, January 30, 2009

Costco Muffins

So I've been having costco muffins off and on since I can remember.  Church functions, family gatherings, random school things, camping etc.    And they've always come the same way - 4 chocolate, 4 poppy seed and 4 blueberry.  I noticed over the years that they have changed up the flavors - maple, apple, and most recently - pumpkin!  

Well, hold onto your seats kids.  Nick and I went to costco to pick up some muffins for the Tahoe ski trip.  And this going to blow your mind - it's mix and match.  And to be honest.  I don't know how I feel about that.  They come in packs of 6 - all the same flavor.  Then you pick your TWO favorite and put them in a box.  So here's the thing, Nick and I spent far longer than necessary trying to determine which 2 to get.  Had we been allowed 3, it would not have been a problem.  I propose selling them in packs of 4, so I can mix match my own 3 flavor 12 pack.  

So costco, I'm not too fond of this.  Clearly didn't bother me enough to keep from purchasing - although I did so grudgingly.


Katie said...

so what did you pick???
you can tell that story
without sharing the outcome!!

hope you kids are doing well :)

Katie said...

whoops, i meant "can't tell"
proofread katie!