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Sunday, August 2, 2009


I bought a kitchen aid mixer 2 years ago and it has sparked my inner baking goddess.  I continue to fight with my oven - can't seem to hold a temperature - so in the meantime, I try and make my baking adventures as pretty as possible.  Hopefully I can trick people into thinking they are good, just because they look good.

Here are some cupcakes I made for Zach and Dave's birthday!  I thought they turned out pretty darn cute!

I recently read Judy's blog where she chronicles her adventures in cooking and baking.  One of her blog posts focused on fondant.  I've used store bought fondant before, but Judy made hers from scratch!  I was willing to give it a go.  After all, it's just marshmallows and powdered sugar!

I made a cake and proceeded to lightly frost it - cream cheese frosting - Nick's favorite!

I then laboriously kneaded the fondant and rolled it out into a circle.  It was a little but difficult to work with and I worked up a decent sweat rolling it out.  But all in all, it wasn't too difficult.  When I made it, I used a bowl and spatula.  Next time I'm going to try it with the dough hook on my kitchen aid.

Here you can see the results of my fondant-ized cake.

And then some pretty decorations!


cathy said...

I must say, pretty impressive! I have yet to work on my baking skills and just got my KitchenAid last year.

Laura said...

i am thoroughly impressed! that looks perfect!

Judy said...

your fondant looks SO perfect and smooth! you totally rocked it!

the cupcakes are adorable!

yeah, it did take some elbow grease to kneed it...great idea on using the mixer! i got one for the wedding, so next time i will definitely use that instead!