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Monday, August 10, 2009

The wedding 9.5 years in the making.

I met Katie my freshman year of college.  I lived 2 doors down from Erik, her boyfriend and now husband.  Katie spent a lot of her time over in Terry Hall, and we were the only talkative girls on the floor, so we quickly became friends.  My first memory of Katie was showing up at our door dressed in a chicken suit.....but that's beside the point.  We were RAs together and I eventually lived with Katie and Erik for a year during grad school.

It was good to see these kids get hitched and I wish them nothing but the best.  I also wont comment on the length of their relationship prior to marriage.  To each his/her own, that's what I say :-)

The wedding was held at one of the most beautiful community centers ever.  Brand new with views of Lake Washington.  Those crazy Mercer Islanders really have it made!

And you can understand my excitement - my first cupcake wedding!!!!  Chocolate and red velvet (needless to say, I tried them both - but don't worry, I waited a sufficient amount of time before diving in for #2).

The perfect centerpieces built by Erik!

The nacho cheese fountain, tended by Minh.  Wait, did I just say nacho cheese fountain?

First dance.  So cute.

Erik's mom is my new hero.  She gets her cupcake and says, "This is the Salisbury way to eat a cupcake."  She proceeds to break off the bottom (so you have the bottom in one hand and the muffin top + frosting in the other) and then puts the bottom on the frosting, essentially creating a cupcake sandwich.  Genius!  No frosting on your mouth!'

Katie teaches elementary school and her students made her a book of advice.   You can't make this stuff up.

We thought back to college and realized we'd shared quite a few memories with these 2 and we were so happy to get to share another.  Congratulations you two!


Laura said...

to each his own is right! it only took kyle and I 10 years! I am so happy to see they are not only still together but now happily married!!

Unknown said...

Awww, looks like a good time.

And that book of advice was pretty awesome, especially: "Wrestle."

Katie said...

you guys are too cute!
and i'm sure you didn't wear those flip flops to the ceremony!!
hell, who am i kidding?
i love the flip flops!

and hi anthony!

Nick said...

"Cook him whatever he wants sometimes." Recipe for marital success!