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Monday, August 10, 2009

Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

Maybe I get the baking gene from my Mom.  I was home this weekend for the Handy/Salisbury nuptials and Mom decided she would bake cupcakes to celebrate my birthday.

She grabbed this recipe from the Martha Stewart Cupcake book.  She made the cupcakes and we jointly tackled the meringue frosting.

And of course she had what everyone needs - a mini torch to brown the meringue.  These were delicious!!!! Probably better than any cupcake I've ever made.....and she doesn't even have a kitchen aid.


Judy said...

ooooo pretty! i've seen this done before and have been meaning to try it. mmmm lemon!

Unknown said...

Martha Stewart has a cookbook just with cupcake recipes?! Wow.