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Sunday, August 2, 2009


A week or 2 ago, Nick blogged about the "Cash for clunkers" program. His general takeaway was that it's an ok program - it probably wont do a ton for the environment, but it doesn't cost a ton and it's helping out the ailing car industry. He did some "math" to determine the potential savings for a person participating in the program.

He used the gain in MPG to determine the total savings. However, this was incorrect. There is actually a difference between going from 18MPG to 23MPG and 25MPG to 30MPG. And to prove my point, I derived the formula.....while at a Thai restaurant. Nerdy, I know.

Update: for y and y+z, I am referring to MPGs....

As you can see, the money saved is dependent upon the # of miles driven per year, original MPG, new MPG and the cost of gas.

6 years of higher education put to great use.


Laura said...

bryn the genius. i've always been one to believe that letters and numbers don't belong together...:)

Unknown said...

I will send this to the appropriate committee, and will not trade my little Versa in. :) Also, we do need a visit! You should come to Hawaii for Christmas! :D

Katie said...

i love that you did your derivation
on a people magazine address card!!