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Sunday, January 28, 2007

I shock myself....

whenever I get out of the car. That's right, every time I step out of the car and touch the metal frame...ZAP! I've come to expect it. It's just too darn dry here! The other day I got out of the car and as I leaned over to pick something up the spark jumped from the door to my earring to my ear. OUCH!

I spent the afternoon in San Francisco and saw Legally Blonde the Musical. Don't judge me...It was actually really good and pretty funny. The opening song is titled "OMIGOD You Guys" (say it in a nasally high pitched voice and you'll get the picture.)

I used my new golf clubs for the first time yesterday. Let's just say that I will be needing a few more trips to the range before I take those puppies out on the real course. One interesting sidenote: my set came with a driver and I've always been partial to the 3 wood. I gave the driver a try and ended up making sparks. Literally. There was sand underneath the grass and when the bottom of the club hit the sand...FLASH! Anyways, the driver and I aren't friends and he probably wont come out of the bag for a while.

I'm watching "you're the one that I want." It's that show about people who want to star in Grease on broadway. In any case, what's the deal with hiring british co-hosts. "So you think you can dance" had a british co-host and a british judge and so does "you're the one that I want." I have nothing against the brits, I just think it's a bit much. OOOhh, one is singing "walking in memphis." I like that song.

So has anyone heard the "Life is a Highway" song by the people that aren't Rascal Flatts? It's not as good.

Hmm, this guy isn't really doing justice to "walking in memphis." Bummer.

The next guy is singing "signed sealed delivere." Why do people ever decide to sing this song? People on American Idol sing it all the time. It's not a good song to sign for this just repeats over and over and over again.

Final tip of the day: mix frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, frozen pineapple and some vanilla yogurt = ice cream


Katie said...

i too am watching the grease show
there are a few dannys that are pretty cute
(NOT the blonde guy)
the sandys sort of annoy me

are you planning a trip to the east coast soon?
kelly can show us all the monuments!!

Unknown said...

I HATE getting shocked. How can I avoid it when I get there?