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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Awesomest Birthday Cake Ever

Once when I was little my mom made me a strawberry shortcake birthday cake.  No - not a cake with biscuits and strawberries.  It was a vanilla cake with white frosting and a picture of Strawberry shortcake the character.  I remember thinking it was the best cake ever!  And it was.  However, after that point, I started to get ice cream cakes - which mom hated - they didn't fit in the freezer.

Well, I've gotten into cake decorating these days.  It's quite fun and I always look for an excuse to make one.  So I helped make our neighbors' birthday cake.  A castle cake!  I think it turned out well.  I mean, it was my first castle cake attempt.  I also now know why they charge so much for cakes.  It definitely takes some time.  But let's be real, this thing is awesome and if you were a 3 year old girl, I'd be your new best friend (not in a creepy way).


Laura said...

amazing job!! that looks great, i could never have enough patience to make everything look so perfect :)

steveandjody said...

I'm so impressed! I know you are quite the dessert maker but this is a nice combo of engineer meets chef. Nice work.