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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Disney Princesses

Princesses are a big deal in Disney World.  

Katie wanted to know what my favorite Disney princess was - so she called Kelly.

There's no reason anyone should know this.  It's not a common topic of conversation.  Kelly wasn't sure.  So she called Nick.  

Kelly:  What is Bryn's favorite Disney Princess?
Nick:  I feel like this is something I should know.  Like for a newlywed game or something.

Then Kelly called Sean

Kelly:  What is Bryn's favorite Disney Princess?
Sean:  Hmmm....I'm going to say Belle.

Then she called Mike

Kelly:  What is Bryn's favorite Disney Princess?
Mike:  I'm going to say Belle.

THEN Nick calls back

Nick:  I think Belle.

Well, my friends got it right.  I have no idea how they figured it out.  But I love Belle.  


Unknown said...

I would have guessed Mulan.

Kelly Jean said...

My first guess was Jasmine which was really really wrong. I felt kind of stupid when everyone else came up with the right answer and I failed.

The good news about having the same cell phone for 4 years is that you never lose phone numbers so I still had Nick's number from the East coast adventure of 2005.