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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pin trading

Pin trading is a HUGE thing in Disneyland and Disney World.  I've pretty much resisted it's draw.  Too commercial for me.  All that changed when Katie bought Kelly and I our first set of pins.  Once we traded our first pins we were hooked.

Basically, you walk up to a cast member (disney employee) and ask if you can see their pins.  Then, if you like one, you can trade them.  Pretty low key.  But you'd be surprised how stressed out we were for our first trade.  All trades were successful and the pins actually provided an additional source of entertainment.

While walking around one of the Disney stores a younger guy (18ish) came up to me and gestures at my pins - my pins are on a lanyard around my neck.  He points to the pins and says, "Can I see um?"  Honestly, it caught me off guard....until I realized he wanted to see my pins.  

Guy:  So what do you collect?
Me:  Um.......pins?
Guy:  Well, it looks like you collect Mickey's.
Me:  Oh, well, what do you collect?
Guy:  I collect surf boards.

.....and it goes on.  We ended the conversation and Kelly says, "Man, you just got hit on."  How awkward, hit on by an 18 year old pin collector.  YES!

Then on Monday, an adorable little girl asked to trade Kelly for her Ariel pin and it was precious.  

The picture above is the best pin ever - if you can bring your mind into the gutter.  We talked about it a lot and Kelly bought it.  It's so dirty.  I can't decide if it's genius or stupidity.  Genius if they meant for it to be dirty so people like us would buy it.  Or stupidity  because a number of disney people had to sign off on such a dirty little pin.


Nick said...

that's my girl!

Kelly Jean said...

I hope the recent high school graduate who chatted you up knows how awesome it was and tells all of his friends about it. In a few years you'll enjoy that you got hit on by someone 7 years younger than you. Take it as a compliment.