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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


In general I am highly opposed to lines.  And Disney does a great job trying to make lines "fun." 

In general we were very lucky with lines.  This was a great weekend and most of the lines were pretty short.  One of our first lines was for the Toy Story Ride.  As you can see from above, I beat Kelly.  Her accuracy was better......but the final score tells the story.

In general, most of our lines were 30 minutes or less.....except one horrid line.  The line for the BUS!  That's right, it took us over an hour to wait for the bus back to our hotel.  There were a few problems that impeded efficiency:

1.  Not enough busses.  We were still over 100 people deep when the other hotel lines were depleted.  Not sure what happened.  I think a breakdown in communication is to blame.  

2.  Wheelchairs and scooters.  People in wheelchairs and scooters get to go to the front of the line - with all of their family and friends.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I have no problem with people who legitimately require a wheelchair/scooter - someone who is recognized by the government as disabled and who carries a pass while driving.  My issue is with the overweight people in scooters.  Unnecessary.  I know it's mean, but walking would be much better for your health.


cathy said...

Apparently I already had some kind of Google account. You posted all this stuff about your DW trip, I had to comment! You have to go there with someone in a wheelchair. It is awesome! We took my grandma around in that and got in front of all the lines and we didn't cheat and use it on the rides she wouldn't go on. The bus lines were the best to get in front of, of course.

Unknown said...

I was in line for a roller coaster at an amusement park here in VA, and when I got to the front of the line I was not allowed to board two trains because they let the disabled people come up the back entrance and they put them in my line twice! That sucked, but you don't really want to look like an ass. Ugh, decency!