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Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beer Exchange

The Loper family has a pretty awesome Christmas gift giving tradition. The Beer Exchange. Each guy brings 12 random beers. Then NBA draft style, they each choose their winning "team" of 12 beers. The game has changed a bit over time. In early years, it started as a 12 beer, 3-way, gift giving extravaganza. Uncle Steve gives a dozen beers to Uncle John and other Uncle Steve. Then the Loper boys turned 21 and they realized it was going to be FAR too expensive to give 4 guys a dozen beers. Thus the new format.

Here is a picture from Beer Exchange 2007. Note the number of 12oz bottles.

In 2008, there were even fewer 12 oz bottles.

And in 2009, almost none. And trust me, they all went during the last round.

Uncle John and Uncle Steve are doing the ol' "rock, paper, scissor" to see who goes first. I actually think Uncle John has gone first for the past 3 years, but I can't say for sure. As you can see, he had luck (Mochi) on his side.

And then Mochi got drunk off the fumes.


Judy said...

lol! what an awesome tradition!

Mike L said...

This is a brilliant idea.