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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Unless you live on a farm in the midwest, you probably have neighbors (and even the people on farms in the midwest have neighbors....they just never see them).

Living in a condo, our neighbors are very close. We share a wall with 2 other condos. Most of the "neighbors" we've met have been great. But our immediate neighbors are quite the opposite. Let's start with Mom and son - that's as much as we know. And really, she might not be the mom - because there is clearly no discipline going on here.

Son is 18-22 in my best guess. He LOVES bmx bikes. So much so, that he built a quarter pipe in his garage....which is great, because their garage shares a wall with our kitchen.

He also likes to go off roading with his SUV - keep in mind that "mom" drives a beater, and why this kid has a VW golf and a SUV is beyond me. Takes the car off roading and then rinses it off in front of their early December. We'd all been driving over it, waiting for him to clean it up. Alas, Nick got a broom in early January and swept it up in front of their garage.

We figured he'd move it. We were wrong. It's still there. It's been 2 months.

BTW, the license plate holder on his car says "I love MONEY" - he's a winner.

Our other neighbors are relatively anti-social. But they let their dogs pee on the deck....which shares a drainage pipe with our deck. So we didn't use our deck this summer because it smells like pee. They are moving soon. Thanks goodness.

Like I said, we love almost all of our other neighbors, we just got stuck between 2 odd balls.

1 comment:

PNB Dave said...

Ah, the joys of condo living.