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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Santa Pictures - and the rest

And starting from 2001, you really can't tell much difference between the rest of the photos. I am ALWAYS to Santa's left with almost identical smiles. Stace changes a bit - shorter 'do.....and Santa even stays the same for a few years. One of my favorite Santa quotes from our years taking these pictures was "Well, let's take a good one for mom." He knows all. I always wonder what the "elves" think when we come to take our photos. It's either "oh man, they seem a little old" or "well at least we know they wont cry." But then I realize, even if they are judging me, I'm not the one in the elf costume :-)

Mochi appeared in the last Santa photo, as did a family friend, posing as Santa. I think the tradition has ended, but it was a fun one.

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