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Sunday, January 24, 2010


I love my little sis. She was (and still is) the cutest kid. She was an absolute space cadet as a child. This picture sums her up.

Some of my favorite Stacey-isms

1. R-D-Choke, that's how you spell it (artichoke).
2. PUC - She couldn't pronounce CUP for about 1 year. She'd take in a HUGE breath, holding us all in anticipation that she'd get it right....and then it came out PUC.
3. JonJon - her imaginary friend. He was once sitting in the van next to her, so I had to sit in the back.
4. One Christmas morning she RAN to the window. We asked her what she was looking for and she said, "Santa." Priceless.

I think she was talking to our grandpa on the phone. She really was the cutest.


Katie said...

i may not comment on every entry
but keep up the writing!
i love learning more about you and the fam!
plus, the pics of mochi are adorable!

Unknown said...

Haha, when I saw R-D-Choke, I thought that was going to be HFS-related...