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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Santa Pictures - 1983

Taking santa pictures is a yearly tradition. Kids and parents head to their local department stores to get that coveted picture with the big man.

I was inducted into the Santa Picture Club in 1983, at the ripe age of 4 months. I guess I'm proud to say that I didn't cry. I was clearly not that excited about the situation, evidenced by my wandering eyes. But all in all, not a bad first shot.

What separates me from most other children, is that I continued to take photos with Santa until I was 24. And it was literally the forces of nature that stopped it from happening. There was so much snow last Christmas, Stace and I were physically unable to get to the mall. I think mom's ok with it, and to be honest, it really wasn't that bad. After about middle school, we really didn't care anymore. And each Christmas Mom would put ALL of them up. So it's actually really fun to see the progression. The next few posts will be the highlights of the past 24 years of Santa pictures.

And just for good measure, I'm throwing in my "Baby's first Christmas" ornament. I don't remember this Christmas at all, but I bet it was awesome.

1 comment:

Judy said...

LOLOL! LOVE IT! can't wait to see the other pics! =)